a (mis)conception of us baekhyun/zitao, pg-13, general this is how baekhyun doesn't fall in love. originally written for loveismix, a remix of out of the fire by deplore
wrote this a long time ago, edited it a little. thank you to jannah who literally walked me through this whole thing u___u
sharps eunhyuk/donghae, pg-13, angst a wip that has been lying in my hard drive for ever and i don't have the will to finish it anymore. :( based on the prompt "the only thing standing in between us is reality".
all for moonfox35, happy birthday bb! i hope you have a great time~ i'm sorry none of these are really porn, but this is the best i can do so i get these to you before you wake up ♥
Music Playlist Meme (taken from clayray3290) ten super junior ficlets written with a song prompt (my music player on shuffle). pg-13 unless otherwise stated in cut.